Wednesday, October 22, 2008

World War II - 4 Star Family

The movie Saving Private Ryan, was about a family with 4 sons serving in the military during World War II. One scene shows the Ryan home with a 4 star service banner in the window.

I’m sure the significance of the banner was lost on many viewers. The banners were common during the war, with the number of blue stars indicating how many family members were serving in the military. A gold star would indicate that the member had been killed serving their country. For obvious reasons, very few families had a 4 star banner.

There is lots of action & drama in this movie. But for me, the most dramatic part was when Mrs. Ryan was washing dishes at the kitchen sink and looked out her window to see a dark car approaching up the quiet country road. She dries her hands and goes out to the front porch. The car stops in front of her house and a clergyman gets out. At that point, she realizes that he is bringing bad news and slumps to the floor. The scene fades to one of the D-Day beaches littered with dead soldiers. The camera slowly zooms in on one of the dead soldiers lying face down in the sand and “Ryan” can be seen stenciled on his backpack.


On October 12, 1911, John M. Pina & Maria (Mary) Pavon (and her family) boarded the British Steamship Willisden at Gilbralter and left Spain. Thirty five years to the month later, the Napa Register would report the following:

Joseph Pina, of Rutherford, is the fourth Pina boy to return safely from the war.
His three brothers, Alfonso, John Jr. and Mike, all returned earlier.

That same year, John Pina Jr. would take over running the Mt. Eden Ranch at the Oakville Crossroads & Silverado Trail. Fourteen years and four sons later, he would found Pina Vineyard Management.

Mike, John Jr., Joe, Alfonso

(Check out the car on the right)

1 comment:

  1. Great reminder of the cost of freedom. We have a Gold Star family in our town. Wonderful young man who played centerfield on the team I coached and I had in English class.

    In Central CA
