Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Painted Lady Butterfly & Lady Bug migrations

Joe Bauer was out taking more pictures yesterday afternoon, and I couldn't pass up posting just a few more Painted Lady Butterfly photos. Theses two were taken at one Andy Beckstoffers Vineyards near his office.

Later this spring, we hope to have a small Joe Bauer photo exhibit at one of our open houses - Stay tuned.
Barn in Bloomfield, CA

The butterfly migration was still going strong in the Yountville area at 5:00 yesterday. It reminded me of a family vacation on the Feather River many years ago. Only instead of butterflies, we found ourselves in the middle of a Lady Bug migration. Swarms of Lady Bugs so thick, we had to use the windshield wipers just to drive down the road. It was the only highlight to our worst family vacation ever. That vacation is still the benchmark of bad. The "resort" cabin we booked had an "ant farm" in the kitchen, leaking propane, and no screens on the windows. We only lasted 2 days of the planned seven, and still laugh about it.

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