Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Save the Poppies!

As I left work on Wednesday, I noticed this crop of Poppies on the Silverado Trail just South of Skellenger Lane. It wasn't that long ago that the shoulders of the Silverado Trail would be somewhat void of vegetation. Chemicals were sprayed during the winter months that would keep seeds from germinating. Or later in the year, Roundup would be sprayed on the newly emerging vegetation. These days, there's lots of shoulder vegetation. And in among the weeds, California Poppies are emerging. I thought it appropriate to acknowledge the efforts made to save those Poppies, while eliminating the weeds. Workers with weedeaters take the time and make the effort to cut the weeds around the Poppies - It doesn't just happen by itself.

And as I traveled down the Yountville Crossroad, I snapped a picture of this bird-of-prey,
which I am including for no good reason.

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