Saturday, May 2, 2009

Toast your buns by the Piña Fire Pit

Yes, it's overcast & cool today, and rain is a good possibility. But don't be a wuss! (How do you spell that?) We'll have a fire going in the Piña Fire Pit. It's a great place to stand around and sip wine. Come on up and be part of the Rutherford Passport weekend. Due to the weather, this should be a geat opportunity to avoid the crowds and taste lots of great wines at lots of great wineries in more intimate environments than you will usually encounter.

About the Piña Fire Pit: Back in the late 90's, when Cindy & I lived in Napa, we had this nice little patio area where we wanted to place a fire pit. But it just wasn't big enough to place one in the center and still get chairs around it. I came up with a design that would fit in the corner. It was to be made out of 1/4" plate steel in 3 main pieces, so that no piece would weigh over 100 pounds. I even submitted the following Disclosure Document to the US Patent Office.

Just before building, I changed the design to resemble that picture at the top. It worked great! And that change to the design caused much more heat to be radiated outward. That picture at the top is really the Piña Fire Pit Version 2.0. We decided to make another one to keep at the winery, so I wouldn't have to be moving it around so much. Version 2.0 is welded solid and gets a fair amout of attention at the winery. Come on up and check it out while you sip wine and toast your buns!


  1. Ranndy,

    If I wanted the our Ag mechanics class to reproduce one of these for me, what would my royalties to you need to be?

    Steve in Exeter, CA

  2. In lieu of royalties, I'd like to suggest that maybe I could pay for materials and have them build me one that is two thirds the size of the original. And just a few more small details. Email me - Ranndy
