Thursday, August 27, 2009

“We’re here for a good time”

Gary & Martha Weeck

Martha raised her glass for a toast and said:
“We’re not here for a long time”
And the rest of the group chimed in and helped her finish the toast with:
“We’re here for a good time”

It was obviously a toast they had shared many times.

* * * * *
Gary & Martha Weeck were the high bidders for an auction lot we donated to the Taste of Howell Mountain event of two years ago. Gary & Martha were supposed to have coordinated an event date with us prior to 2009, but life got in the way. Martha was diagnosed with cancer last year. I emailed Martha asking about the toast and the illness. This was her reply:


You have my toast right. I have been saying it for years but now having fought through cancer it means so much more. I am in remission and I am okay talking about it. It is still with me and I can't taste all wines yet but it is getting better. We all had such a good time thank you all.

Best regards, Martha

Gary & Martha invited 12 of their friends to our dinner, wine tasting & games event. They were a fun group that works hard & plays hard. It was the second time they had the high bid on our auction lot.

Sippin & Chattin before dinner And these great eats were planned & prepared by Katherine (Pina) Capponi,
with some help from husband Dave & Dad (Larry)
Dinner in the cellar… And then the games began.
The game I am referring to is affectionately called
Bastard Cornhole (See earlier blog for details).

And when the last bag had been thrown, we returned to the cellar...
where Kyle Thomas was declared the Champion.
He won a signed magnum of PIÑA
that was immediately commandeered by his lovely wife Monica.
And a good time was had by all.

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