Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pumpkin Time

Ranndy's Note: The pumpkins above and the post
below are both the work of my brother - John C. Piña

Why grow a pumpkin? I guess everyone has their own reason, but I think many do it for the same reason. To see how big a pumpkin they can grow. Personally, I have always enjoyed seeing the pictures and stories about those people that grow those Atlantic Giant Pumpkins that always win the contests. How is it possible that a plant that starts from a seed can grow a fruit that large in only seven or eight months? It doesn’t happen without a lot of hard work and some luck. The plant does its part by setting, expanding and ripening the fruit. The grower does everything possible to give the plant ideal growing conditions, including monitoring water requirements, fertilizer needs, aiding in pollination and even monitoring and mitigating sunlight. Have you ever seen a pampered pumpkin with its own parasol? I have.
Thought I began growing a pumpkin to compete in a local contest (I even won, 185#, small potatoes); I realized that first year, it was for the kids. Kids do enjoy carving pumpkins, but you should see them light up when you pull up with the truck and unload their own personalized pumpkin. So, for the past 10 years I have grown them for my Grandkids, other kids and myself.


  1. Ranndy,

    Great Pumpkins! Ours withered and died. Still trying to figure out why. The wonderful thing is we get to try next year.

    Steve in Central CA

  2. Hi Steve,
    Yes, John does a great job on the pumpkins. My (step) son Pete had the same problem you did, so don't feel bad.
    How's your son Sam doing? Still in Ranger school at Fort Benning?
