Friday, January 15, 2010

Cindy says Goodbye

Blake & his Grammy

Cindy says Goodbye

No, she's not leaving me, she's "retiring" from being HR director at Hess Winery due to health problems. As some of you already know, Cindy is a pancreatic cancer survivor. The Whipple procedure was a success at removing the tumor in her Pancreas, but it altered how lots of other parts of her "system" function. Due to the side effects, she no longer has the stamina required for that stressful position. I'm convinced that when we remove her from that stress, her health and stamina will significantly improve.

Wednesday night, she went to dinner with the Hess Management team. Over the course of the evening, those managers heaped lots of praise on her. She came home feeling really good and she wanted to compose a nice goodbye letter to everybody at Hess... and would I help her?

The discussion continued and after a few more glasses of wine, I suggested a video Goodbye message, and she went for it. We created the following extraordinary video in just two takes, honest!

And this was the 1st take, Cindy says Goodbye – Outtake :

Now some of you young-uns out there may not be familiar with that song. But the following should be very familiar to those in the 50+ category:

Lastly, one of my readers sent me a message asking me to start writing again. It has been a while since I spent much time writing a post. We put our Yountville house on the market in the Fall and getting it ready to sell, cleaning out the garage, and fixing little things has been an all consuming effort - I apologize.

My next blog will be about Yogi, our black lab mix winery dog. 

If you know Yogi, please send me your impression of him or
what breeds (in addition to lab) you think he might have in him.

Happy Trails to you, until we meet again.

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