Monday, February 8, 2010

Pruning Contest

Francisco Alfaro of Piña Vineyard Management

Piña Vineyard Management sends 2 employees to participate in the above event each year.

The contestants are judged on pruning technique and speed of pruning. Each contestant will prune 6 vines (timed for speed) and then a panel of judges scores the contestants on their technique. The scoring is weighted heavier on technique than speed. The 8 highest scoring contestants then compete in the finals where the contestant with the highest combined score is declared the winner.

To determine which of our pruners would participate, Piña Vineyard Management held their own pruning contest on Friday, Feb 5th.

Prior to the start of the contest, the rules were explained and the contestants were told what the judges would be looking for.  And then, 2 sets of 3 pruners gave it their best effort.

When everybody had finished pruning, the scores were tabulated the judges
Alfonso Mora, Michael Lewis and John Derr.

Francisco Alfaro was the top scorer for the day.
Worth noting is that Francisco placed 4th in the Napa Valley
Grapegrower pruning contest 2 years ago.

Click on the following to see him in action:

Finishing a close second was Olvin Garcia.

Olvin and Francisco
will represent Piña Vineyard Management at the Napa Valley
Grapegrower pruning contest this coming Thursday.