Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Wine Club Deck, Part 3

More Club members, friends & volunteers...

Norma & Roger
Woodland Hills

Aletia, Bottle Top (Anna) & Jennifer
The Wild Women of Southwest Ranches, Florida!

Nancy, Michael, Scott
Michael works with us and his folks are from Katy, Texas

Macario (our assistant winemaker) with his lovely wife Griselda,
and the too cute for words, Isa

Nadine & Jay
San Ramon

Dave & Andy
Ithaca NY, San Francisco

Petrus & Liz, Carolina & Art
Bay Area

Carolina & Art

Pablo Ceja (Griselda's Dad), Carolina & Macario

Pablo & Macario

Can't read the names too well, here folks - Guessing:
Tim, Ann, Maurice & Kurt

Volunteers Colby with Father-in-Law Mark

Volunteers Samantha (My cousin Joanne's daughter) &
Dave (My brother Larry's Son-in-Law)

Volunteers Dave & Jeanine

Cousin Craig & his niece Sam

(Stay tuned for the final installment)

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