Monday, August 22, 2011

Winery Dog Yogi, Part 4 – Yogi's window on the world at the beach

Yogi makes another friend!

In an earlier post, I mentioned that Yogi was included in an Orvis video with his head sticking out the hole that the little girl is looking through in the top picture.

Our trailer at the beach is located at a busy intersection. Almost everybody that passes by takes the time to say Hello to Yogi, or give him a pat on the head.

Children will even stop and call for him if he's not there looking out his hole.

He's popular at the winery, too!

Yogi's a lucky dog, and we're lucky to have him!

1 comment:

  1. Dogs are a great addition to most things worthwhile. Unfortunately we have four and the smallest, Pedro the chihuahua, thinks he's the biggest and meanest. Time to go to the farm.

