Friday, April 16, 2010

The Hills are Alive

Lupin on the hillside above the winery

Almost every work day, I take Yogi and we spend about an hour hiking the hills above the winery.  Most people are surprised to learn that leaving from the winery, I can be looking down on Lake Hennessey in about 15 minutes time.  I estimate that the loop I hike must encompass over 500 acres.  The scenery changes daily and even though I usually travel the same route, I never get bored. The Fall & Spring are my favorite seasons. Yogi likes it best after rainy periods for the small creeks that will run for a week or two.  He likes to drink from and walk through the creeks, usually at the same time.  If it's a warmer day, I will take him by the pond so he can go for a quick dip.  The pond is small, but will usually have 2 or 3 pairs of ducks in it.  My favorites are the colorful Wood Ducks.  To keep my heart ticking, I usually try to keep moving at a fairly good pace.  Earlier this week, I took my camera and moved just a bit slower to get pictures of some of my favorite hiking places.

This ledge of rocks, wildflowers & moss faces Southwest.  It's right out in the open and bakes in the summer sun.  It amazes me that after a few rains in the Fall, the bright green colors and spongey texture of the moss returns so quickly.

And here are some tiny wildflowers that can thrive & bloom on the surface of a rock.

But my favorite picture is of these tiny ferns that found a home in the crevices of these rocks (You have to click to enlarge and look closely). 

The weekend is here.  Go take a hike!

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