Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Resurrection of the Rutherford Grange

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

The Rutherford of today bears little resemblance to the Rutherford I knew growing up.  But one of the buildings appears to have changed little over the years: The Rutherford Grange Hall.


It' a very unpretentious building.

Just like the whole town of Rutherford was.
Just like the town of Oakville was.
Just like the town of Yountville was.

But the times, they are a changin'

And because they are changing, it gets more important every day, to retain our ties to the past. And if need be, to make a significant effort to retain our ties to the past.  That's easy to say, but how many people are willing to make that significant effort?

Well, in the case of the Rutherford Grange Hall, there were enough.


 Does this sound like something that you'd like to be a part of?  If so, you're in luck!

From: Susan Hirschy
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 9:37 AM

Friends and Neighbors-
It was announced late last month that April is Free Membership month for Granges in California. If anyone you know would like to become a grange member, please have them fill out the attached form and fax it to 707-265-9182 or mail it to POB 616, Rutherford, Ca 94573. Just circle the Membership level for an Individual, Family or Business Affiliate Member. If they would like to become a Business Affiliate Member, please have them add the owner’s name to the form (or two people within the business), as well as the Business Name. If interested in being on the Volunteer List, just jot that in the corner.

As noted above, If you have any questions, direct them to the membership director: Peg Cann @ 265-0405

And please checkout the website:

 To learn a bit more about California Granges, please click on the link below:

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