Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Harvest under a full moon...

I was on my way to work just before 5:00 this beautiful morning (Wed 9-22) and just had to stop and take a picture of this harvest in progress under the lights and what I thought was a full moon. After checking an online calendar, I see that technically, the full moon won't be until 1:18 AM, tomorrow morning. 

The information above was copied from this website:

As you can see, there's lots of information in that calendar.
Some of it you may not be familiar with, such as Twi, Twi N, Twi A.
Well, this site is kind enough to define those terms for us.

(Click on the above to enlarge)

Hopefully, you've learned something as I did the first time I visited this site.

So if you are in the Napa Valley, please consider getting up in the early morning
hours tomorrow to take a drive and witness night time harvesting under a full moon.

It doesn't happen that often.


  1. Ranndy,

    Good thoughts and information. O the many things that normally happen on a full moon, picking grapes is a good thing.

    How long has night harvest been a practice?

    Steve in Central CA

  2. Dang good question, Steve!
    I don't recall any night harvesting being done when I was young, and a quick search on the internet didn't help. I'm guessing the first "full scale" night harvesting began with mechanical harvesters. But I'm sure it was done for limited hand harvesting prior to that when the weather threatened the crop. Maybe a reader can offer some historical insight on this.
