Monday, September 20, 2010

The Cornhole Champion and Wine Club members at the Wine Club event

I'm getting old.  I forget stuff.

That last post about the Wine Club event included several pictures
of the Cornhole Tournament, but didn't divulge the overall winner.

Tournament Champion Chris, with his magnum and the 4 Pina brothers.

Congratulations Chris!

Now, on to our other guests...

Allan & Suzanne

Brad & Leanne

Patty & Bruce (Center) with guests Deanna, Chris, Cam & Jeff

Dan & Cindy

Felix & his son, Chris

Fred & Candy

John & Shizuka

Malaquias & Macario Montoya

Erica & Michael (Right) with guests Mike & Heather

Mik & Ann with guest Kathy (left)

Ron & Maybelene
(Nice shirt, Ron!)

Starla & Steve
Tom & Randy

Paula & Virginia

Will & Peggy, son Devon & Talia

Well folks, I think I got everybody, but I could be wrong.  If you had your picture taken, but didn't see it here, send me a note.  Lezlie Montoya did an excellent job of taking pictures & labeling them. If your picture is missing or labeled incorrectly, it was probably my fault.

Now, for all you folks that read all the way to the end: If you come by the winery before Nov 1st and say that you are a fan of the PNV blog, you can taste for free and get $10 off of a bottle of wine.

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