Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wine Club Event - July 17, 2010

On Saturday, July 17th, Piña Napa Valley
hosted their Annual Wine Club Party.

We added a vineyard tour to our Wine Club Event this year. We brought in a nice van and took our club members to a vineyard perched on the side of the hill way above the winery.
On the way up & back, Davie explained about our farming practices and answered questions about the various vineyard operations.

Everybody seemed very impressed by the view.

That's Groth to the center-left of the picture.

The tours went on throughout the day as Larry's daughter Katherine

and her husband David (Capponi) prepared a fantasic meal.

In the picture above we have our Assistant winemaker
Macario, his Dad, Malaquias, and his Mom, Lezlie,
who took almost all of the pictures in this post. 
Thanks Lezlie!

All the while, lots of wines were tasted.

Our winemaker, Anna, provided barrel samples using a wine thief.

Clare decanted our big reds prior to serving.

Sarah & Katherine

And, of course, there was the ever popular cornhole
tournament with a Magnum of Pina going to the winner.


Yogi got lots of attention from the pretty ladies

John & Macario

Larry's grandson, Giancarlo Capponi, learns to use a wine thief


Stay tuned... the next blog will have pictures of our wine club members & guests

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